Kolagen v kosmetice vs. v doplňcích stravy

Collagen in cosmetics vs. in food supplements

What is collagen?

It is the most common protein in our body. Collagen provides us with structural support, tissue integrity and aids in the healing of wounds and scars. It is a very strong molecule, made up of three strands woven into a triple helix, thanks to which it is able to provide strength, but at the same time flexibility, forming a dense network with other molecules.

Triple helix

doi: 10.1134/S0006297919140074

We have up to 28 different types of collagen in the body, of which types I, II and III are the most common. Collagen can be found in the skin, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bones, blood vessel walls, but also in the dentin of the teeth. 

Skin collagen is found in the ECM - extracellular matrix (in the external environment of cells) and is created by fibroblasts in the dermal skin layer , where it makes up 70-80% of the dry mass. We have at least 5 types of collagen in our skin, but we primarily find types I and III (80% and 15% respectively).

Why do we want to supplement collagen?

As we age, our collagen production decreases and at the same time the rate of its degradation increases. Collagen fibers under the epidermis gradually lose their organization, are shorter, and type I collagen disappears.

In addition to age, smoking also interferes with the ability of fibroblasts to form collagen, UV radiation destroys our reserves, but also the drop in estrogen during menopause and after childbirth has the effect of reducing the amount of collagen in the skin.

All this results in - accelerated thinning of the skin (dermis) and premature wrinkles.

So how can you help yourself?

One option is to add collagen in supplements. For food supplements with collagen, focus mainly on the fact that it is of fish origin and that it is so-called hydrolyzed and you have won!

Have you tried collagen supplements and feel like they didn't work for you?

Collagen is made from amino acids, which are the basic building blocks of all proteins in our body.

What happens when you consume collagen is that the body naturally takes the amino acids where they are needed! So they will be in the skin only at the end or on the assumption that they are not needed elsewhere.

But do you know that collagen in cosmetics does not replenish your skin reserves?

Collagen is a protein with a large molecular size. Because of this, it is unable to penetrate complex skin layers. Its presence in products has moisturizing properties - which is also great, but it is not anti-aging.

For anti-aging, choose ingredients that stimulate the production of our collagen rather than collagen itself. Search for:

  • vitamin C
  • peptides
  • retinoids
  • glycolic acid

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Dobrý den,
poradíte prosím jaký kolagen používat?
Používám už rok vital proteins collagen peptides ale zatím žádný výsledky nevidím.
Děkuji Klára


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